“She broke her fast on sardines, fried crisp in pepper oil and served so hot they burned her fingers. She mopped up the leftover oil with a chunk of bread torn off the end of Umma’s morning loaf and washed it all down with a cup of watered wine, savoring the tastes and the smells,
“Laura made a great chili. She used lean-cut meat, dark kidney beans, carrots cut small, a bottle or so of dark beer, and freshly sliced hot peppers. She would let the chili cook for a while, then add red wine, lemon juice, and a pinch of fresh dill, and, finally, measure out and add her
Olive Loaf Thoughts: This is another easy bread recipe, and in fact, perhaps the easiest yet on the blog, as it takes no kneading. That’s right, no kneading. The resulting olive bread is very soft and airy, and the density of the olives is such that it’s difficult to find a single bite without a
“‘Conte, I do believe Master Fehrwight has just requested nothing less than a ginger scald.’ Conte moved adroitly to fill this request, first selecting a tall crystal wine flute, into which he poured two fingers of purest Camorri ginger oil, the color of scorched cinnamon. To this he added a sizable splash of milky pear
Pennsic War, that is. That’s right, you hungry readers. We’re off again to that crazed medieval reenactment known as Pennsic. With 12,000 other people. We’ll be camping in period tents, sampling amazing homebrews, taking classes in historical cookery, and making new friends. Although we’re practiced at making these dishes in the comfort of our own
Homebrewed Ginger Beer To make your own ginger beer couldn’t be much easier. This recipe is based on the method detailed in the wonderful book, The Art of Fermentation, by Sandor Katz. It uses natural yeasts from the ginger (that’s why organic ginger is important), and produces a fizzy, effervescent beverage that is delicious. AND
“Also a large boiling kettle, whose Acquisition we have Celebrated with a great quantity of tasty Stew, made with Venison, wild Onions from the wood, dried beans, and likewise some Tomatoe-fruits, dried from the Summer. None of us Died or suffered Ill-effects from Eating of the stew, so Claire is likely right, Tomatoes are not
“How do you brew klava?” “You don’t know?” She smiled. “I can serve it with the best, but I’ve never needed to learn how to brew it.” “You press coffee through a filter made of eggshells and wood chips with vanilla bean, then reheat it so it almost boils, then you pass it through a cloth to
““How far have we come?” the dwarf asked him as they stuffed themselves with cold capon and a relish made of carrots, raisins, and bits of lime and orange.” -A Dance with Dragons Modern Relish Our Thoughts: Capon is just subtly different enough from chicken to give this meal a slightly foreign feel. Because of the
We’re off for the West Coast today, where we will be mingling, eating, and signing books for the next several days at San Diego Comic Con. If you are also planning to be there, come and say hello! Bring a book to sign! Ask us questions! We’ll be at the Random House booth, #1515 on