Since we’re about a month out from Halloween, I thought I’d make it a little easier to incorporate some wonderful fictional dishes into your holiday fare. Additional suggestions are more than welcome! Snacks Meatrolls – Pumpkin Pasties – Mushroom Straws Desserts Snow White’s Apples – Coraline Button Cookies Marzipan
I’ve got a list going of various fictional beverages. Most of these are drinks I’ll definitely try out sooner or later; I’m trying to focus mostly on books (sorry, no Romulan Ale!), and would love your suggestions, if I’ve left out any awesome drinks! The List: Blue Milk, from Star Wars Islington’s Wine & Serpentine’s
“Anything from the cart, dearies?” –Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by JK Rowling Thoughts: I had a pretty clear idea of what my version of Pumpkin Pasties should be. And now that it’s autumn, there was simply no resisting the tug of pumpkin-based recipes. More on those to come… These pasties are delicious. Portable,
Because our lives are have been centered around Westerosi cuisine for over a year, it seems only natural that we infuse a bit of that flavor onto our holidays. And now, with the autumn harvest coming in, leaves turning to fire on the hillsides, and Halloween approaching, how could we resist a few suggestions for
Thoughts: I saw this cookie press over the summer, and just couldn’t resist. These finished shortbread rounds, despite being a very crumbly dough, come out moist and wonderful. I am partial to cardamom, but you can tweak them with whatever add-ins your clockwork hearts desire. Tasty, flaky, they’re ideal with a tall glass of cold
“I’d give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.” -Ophelia, Hamlet Violatium Thoughts: So get this: The Ancient Romans actually made this beverage where they immersed violet blossoms in wine. Naturally, I had to try it. The finished product is quirky. As the mixture ages, the color leaches out of the violets,
For those of you biding your time until the next season of Game of Thrones, I’ve got a great snack to help keep your appetite whetted. It’s a collection of essays revolving around A Song of Ice and Fire, and the topics range from adultery, to prophecy, to power, and many things in between. And
“Before you came Meereen was dying. Our rulers … sat atop their pyramids sipping apricot wine and talking of the glories of the Old Empire whilst the centuries slipped by and the very bricks of the city crumbled all around them. Custom and caution had an iron grip upon us till you awakened us with fire and blood. A
In honor of a successful move to a new apartment, and the unpacking of the kitchen, I’m set to brew again! In addition to brewing something from Game of Thrones, I’d love to explore more boozy goodness from other fictional worlds. I’m giving this poll a full month, at the end of which I’ll
Having mostly settled into the new apartment, I’m ready to get back to brewing! As with many such projects, it’s a lot more fun in a group. I’ve got a long list of various brews I’m planning to try sooner or later, and these are at the top of my list. Pick up to three