“He found Dolorous Edd at the fire, complaining about how difficult it was for him to sleep when people insisted on blowing horns in the woods. Jon gave him something new to complain about. Together they woke Hake, who received the Lord Commander’s orders with a stream of curses, but got up all the same and soon
Thoughts: Creamy, delicious eggs. Savory from the broth and mushrooms, with the slightest crunch lent by the onions. It’s not quite an omelet, nor yet scrambled eggs, but something like both, in that the chopped whites and yolks of hard-boiled eggs are combined in a thick, creamy sauce. It’s an interesting spin on eggs for breakfast, and
Thoughts: The color! I perused a lot of various pumpkin juice recipes online before starting this post, but didn’t find any that really leapt out at me. The closest had apricot juice; I have never seen apricots and pumpkins ripe at the same time! So I swapped the apricot for some seasonally appropriate apple cider,
“Before Mance, Varamyr Sixskins had been a lord of sorts. He lived alone in a hall of moss and mud and hewn logs that had once been Haggon’s, attended by his beasts. A dozen villages did him homage in bread and salt and cider, offering him fruit from their orchards and vegetables from their gardens.”
Thoughts: This is a near perfect simple autumnal dish. I grew up near the Finger Lakes region of NY, and there we had an exquisite seasonal treat: Concord Grape Pie. However, some of my family members have developed a gluten intolerance. So, with a few small tweaks, I’ve made a spin on that childhood delight:
“Litaz said a silent prayer for the girl and worried over the limits of her own healing-craft. She pulled a clay jar from one of the low visiting room shelves and scooped a handful of golden yam candies from it. The sweet, earthy flavor filled her mouth and calmed her. They were expensive, these tiny
17th C. Pumpkin Pie Thoughts: This historical pumpkin pie is a different creature than the pies we’re used to around holiday tables. The filling seizes up enough for the pie to be cut into slices, but stays soft and creamier than modern pumpkin pies. For one batch of mine, I used the puree from making
Thoughts: I love this recipe. It’s versatile enough to be made into a pie, or into smaller tarts, or even into a crustless custard, in ramekins. I was a smidge distracted the first time I made this, so was surprised that the filling is really enough for two pies. The filling thickens to a nice
“That wonderful table would never have offered me the same dish twice; but while I reveled in the variety, I also sometimes demanded a repetition. There was a dark treacly spice cake that I like very much, and asked for several times. Sometimes it burst into being like a small exploding star, several feet above
“The queen took a flagon of sweet plum wine from a passing serving girl and filled Sansa’s cup. ‘Drink,’ she commanded coldly. ‘Perhaps it will give you the courage to deal with truth for a change.’” –A Clash of Kings Plum Wine Thoughts: Usually I wait with brewing recipes, but it’s just the tail end