But when life gives you adorable baby chickens, and you run a fictional food blog, how can you resist such a great photo? :)
Alright, so it was actually the local feed store clerk who gave them to me, in exchange for money, but I think the principle still stands.
This spring, we (I) decided it was finally time to add some chickens to the property. And when you’re going that far, you might as well throw some runner ducks in as well, because have you SEEN how hysterical they are? Plus, they can start making a dent in the tick population, which is pretty high this year. PLUS we get eggs! In, like, six more months…
I’d wanted to take a photo like this when the chicks were still tiny little puffballs, but they grow so crazy fast. The chicks are a little over two weeks old, and the ducklings a week younger. But the chicks have started to grow into itty bitty dino-chickens, and the ducklings love swimming in the bathtub. I can barely handle how cute they all are.
So without further ado, I’d like to present:
We had tried to go with a theme of ass-kicking chicks, which is how we got Buffy, Ripley, and Dejah Saurus, but after that it sort of fell apart. Warbeak is from the Redwall series, Hufflepuff was the friendliest chicken, and Gladys was… just sort of an old biddy from the start.
Yes, we have some names picked out for the ducklings, but we won’t know for a while if they are boys or girls, so we’re trying to hold off for now. Probable contenders include Brunhilda and Clementine for lady ducks, and Sir Francis Drake for a gentleman.
There’s a good bit more work to do to get the coop ready for its new residents, but I’ve whitewashed it, put down linoleum, and hired a local guy to jack it up a foot and refloor it, and engineering task that was just beyond me. It’s an old playhouse that hasn’t seen much use in recent years, so it’s nice to see it coming back to life!
Expect more updates in the future, because you know I just can’t help myself… ;)
They’re so cute!! If I had a duck I wouldn’t be able to resist calling it “Daffy”. Or Duck Dodgers.
Duck Rogers was definitely on the short list. ;)
Most of my hens have fussy old lady names like Edwina and Amelia.
And then there is my magnificent rooster, Edward Bloodbeak.
Chickens are great.
Um… The two cuddling ducks in the 7th photo in the gallery gave me a jump scare… I thought it was wrangled and I was horrified before realizing it was two ducks cuddling in an odd position. Is there a way you can clarify that they are fine for future viewers so they aren’t jump scared too?