Welcome to The Inn!
Originally named for a location in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, this blog began as a place to showcase foods from the world of Westeros. Years later, the journey from the crossroads has led to other fictional realms, such as the much loved Azeroth from the World of Warcraft.
Think of this as a gathering place, where denizens of countless fictional settings can come together and share a trencher of stew or some delicate pastries. So pull up a stool, order a mug of ale, and enjoy your visit to The Inn at the Crossroads.
The world of George RR Martin's Westeros is rich in descriptions of delicious foods. This is a collection of recipes for those dishes, lovingly crafted over a period of several years, and organized by region.
Bring to life the flavors of Azeroth with the Official World of Warcraft Cookbook. With fan favorites like Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops, Bloodberry Tart, and Mulgore Spice Bread, this collection will keep even the hungriest raiding party Well Fed!